Project Coordinators / Administrators

All of our ministries, projects and initiatives require a proponent behind them to make them work well. Project coordinators bring people, projects and resources together in a timely fashion.

For example, a project coordinator will go to the site of a proposed church construction and gather stories, testimonies, facts and photos to send to potential donors. He (or she) will then continue to work with that project and donor until its completion. He works behind the scenes, making everything go smoothly and paving the way for church-planting.

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Guest House Hosts

When teams come to visit, they need a nice place to stay and knowledgeable missionaries with whom to connect. Guest house hosts roll the operation of our guest house, rolling out the red carpet for our visitors and ensuring the best missions experience possible.

They coordinate housing, meals, transportation, ministry trips, sight-seeing and a whole slew of other details that go into a typical missions trip. On top of that, they do it all with a smile and the love of the Lord burning in their heart.

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Church Planters / Ministry

Paz International has successfully handed off the role of church-planting to the local church;  however we recognize that the calling of church-planting as it pertains to missions is upon foreigners as well (it is, in fact, how Paz International got started). Those seeking a church-planting ministry with Paz International will begin their journey in the same way as everyone else at PAZ: with a cell group, following the MDA vision. As they grow and multiply their cell group(s), making disciples, they gain valuable experience and training. Once they reach the level of pastor, they are eligible to be sent out to a new base to plant churches. For more information, see the PAZ Plan.

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Communication / Marketing

The website you view, the videos you watch, the pictures you see, the stories you read, the letters you receive, the facebook group you frequent and the emails you receive are all designed, written, edited and produced by missionaries working in the area of communications with PAZ.

These communications are key for our supporters and donor base to know what’s happening, when it’s happening and how they can be involved.

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Church Construction / Facility Maintenance

Because we have the goal of planting 100,000 churches, we will need to continually build new church buildings while maintaining our current structures.

Missionaries working in the area of construction not only help with this building effort, but travel to the various work sites with teams and locals to coordinate the construction effort. They also get to put their ingenuity to work, as here in the Amazon there are fewer raw construction resources available.

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Accountants play a key role in the day-to-day operations of PAZ. They take care of currency exchanges, log the incoming donations and keep track of the outgoing expenditures for all of our projects, ministries and local workers. They develop the monthly and yearly reports required by our staff, leadership, donors and the government (for tax purposes). Good administration of our resources advances the Kingdom work faster, more efficiently, with complete integrity.

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